What helps ARC stand out in the vehicle testing community is the number of in-house designed and built testing facilities it has. Both the rolling road wind tunnel and gearbox dynamometer were developed from within. However, ARC does not shut its doors to the outside world and helps other companies with facility design.

Several wind tunnels around the world have been designed by ARC. Lessons learned from the build of the ARC wind tunnel(s) and continued upgrading and maintenance have been passed on to allow improvement in aerodynamic testing around the world.

Installing the ARC designed drivetrain test facility at a customer's facility allows that customer to have full time access to efficient gearbox and rear end testing. Being in command of such a private facility allows a company the ability to test without any booking or transporting of equipment; this allows an answer to be achieved faster and improves one's competitiveness.

ARC also consults on general test facility design, including business modeling. Many of our customers have seen a need for a specific test facility, yet needed help in learning how to structure such a facility to minimize their forward looking risk. Based on our experiences, ARC is qualified in aiding our customers to minimize their downside risk with regard to their own testing facilities.


Contact ARC via e-mail or phone at 317-291-8600 for new facility design or improvement of a current one.


Facility Design at ARC uses the following Services and Tools
Wind Tunnel Testing CFD Rapid Prototyping Reverse Engineering


Products sold by ARC used for Facility Design
CFD Elements Suite Wind Tunnel Facility 7-Post Facility Drivetrain Facility


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